Monday, June 04, 2007

C'mon Mom, Enjoy the Summer!

How many times this winter did you say, "Man, I can't wait until the warm weather comes!" It’s been a long, hard winter. Now that summer is right around the corner, it’s time for you to get out of the house and enjoy yourself. Here are 7 tips to help moms enjoy summer.

  1. Spend a day in the park with the kids. Have a picnic lunch! Bring your favorite CD music and the kids’ toys and just enjoy the fresh air, the trees and grass – bring the dog too.
  2. Perhaps one morning you wake up, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and you decide to spend a day in your backyard. Have your morning coffee; find your favorite nail polish and paint your toenails. Heck, go the whole nine yards and do your fingernails too.
  3. Want to really have a great time? Put on your shorts and top, sneakers, and go for a walk or run. Don’t wear any makeup. That’s right, just put up your hair if it’s long, and set out on a beautiful summer morning until you break into a sweat.
  4. Call up one of your friends and make a date to spend a day at the mall. Buy a new outfit and a pair of sandals to go along with it. Have lunch and enjoy the day together.
  5. Want to get away from it all? Call your parents and ask if they wouldn’t mind babysitting their grandkids for a weekend. Then you and your hubby take off for parts unknown. Just pack light layers and get in the car and go. Imagine the freedom you will feel and the anticipation of not knowing where you’ll wind up. It can be exhilarating.
  6. How about you and the entire family going for a bike ride in your local park. Arise early on a Saturday morning and take the bikes out of the garage and head out. Just smell the fresh morning air, let it go through your lungs and invigorate you.
  7. How about going to a musical or play, with dinner afterwards. Call friends you haven’t seen in a while and make plans. Enjoy the night out with friends walking along the streets in the warm night air. Now that’s the ticket to enjoyment.

You deserve a little time for you, time with friends, and with family. Make this summer an enjoyable one!

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