Sunday, October 29, 2006

Read to Your Child...It's So Important!

I love to read to my kids. My 2-1/2 yr old is SO into books. I couldn't be happier!

This summer, we went to the library every week and checked out 3 or 4 books. By the 2nd day, she would have most of them memorized and then she would "read" to me before nap and bedtime.

Here are some of our favorites from the summer:

Green Eggs and Ham

The Foot Book

Dr. Suess's ABC

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?

The Cat in the Hat

You'll notice that all of these are Dr. Suess books. I loved most of them as a child and found a couple in the last 10 years when my older kids were that age. The rhyming and sing-songy lyrics are great for this age kid.

Tell me some of your favs - we're always looking for new books to conquer!

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